Even though we have 11 vessels in the bay, waiting to berth with some being at anchor for over 400 hours, there is still good news in our industry!
We also hear that the Port of Durban is free flowing, which means there is light at the end of the tunnel!
We were privy to the proposal around the development of the truck staging area and the planned infrastructure for the surrounding areas, how the area will integrate into the city’s road system, Interestingly this is a joint initiative between the CoCT, Transnet and SANRAL, showing how PPP can work! (Note to TNPA!)
Once that document is received, will circulate to our members as it really can be a game changer, not only for our port users, but the residents of the western suburbs as well,
It is important we support these projects – not only do they create employment but are essential to the growth of our city & province.
Another project on the drawing boards, is Kraaicon, which can alleviate congestion in the terminals, when the port goes windbound. This would operate in conjunction with Belcon.
As a committee member of the LTAB (Land Transport Advisory Board) EWC has access to these studies, if interested in receiving any of these presentations, please pop me an email.
Back to the terminals:
As the terminals were not present at our Thursday meeting yesterday, we can advise that our star performer is CTMPT, quite an achievement, consider where we stood a year ago!
CTMPT had assisted CTCT in working on vessels that have their own equipment and also taking the overflow of the Cruise Terminal.
Week 27/02 – 05/03:
CTMPT: 3242 TEU Handled target 2279 – achieved 506 moves on Tuesday 28th. , with 1272 Truck Gate moves.
CTCT: 9529 TEU with wind delays playing havoc with the terminal, achieving 2119 moves on 1st March.
Hopefully our windy season is behind us, so hears to next weeks’ GNF!