We start off this week with our new Government in place, as the dust has now settled lets get on with the business of growing our economy.
In acknowledgement of this, the GNF is coming to you on Monday this week, with the good news of the improvement in the CTCT operations, which is on an upward trajectory.
Considering where we were a few months ago, this improvement must be taken cognisnce of and thanks in no small part to Ryan Woods and his team.
For eAse of reference, we are dissemanating the stats for each terminal for week17 – 23rd June as follows:
CTCT : 16983 TEU handled, target 14054 15 GCH 30 SWH, 2.53 hoyrs fog delay, 3064 TEU handled on 18th June!; 68% truck visits day shift, 32% nighyt shift, 276 rail moves as break in line under repair
CTCT : Equipment ; 7 of 9 STS operational, LC7 due back inser on 28th June, 24 RTGs & 42 hauliers in operation
Terminal fluid with vessels berthing on arrivaL
Conversely CTMPT does not paint such a rosy picture and is of growing concern:
CTMPT: 429 TEU handled target 518 11 GCH 11 SWH 5 out of 7 days CTMPT handled no containers!!! 8% stack occupancy
FPT : 64% Berth occupancy, 6 vessels handled, 5 Multi cargo 1 container, 2587 TEU handled, 177.13 General Cargo B/B , Fruit 745 pallets
The stats show that the PoCT is open for business and in view if its strateic situation and the volatility of the Red Sea region, we should take our rightful place as a trading hub – it s up to us to market the post str tha are being taken!
Ths is our port – let’s be proud of it!
Your export partner!