GOOD NEWS FRIDAY – 7 March 2025

Yes, we’re back – after a seasonal hiatus, bigger and better and more positive than ever! What an incredible start to the year with all good news that has to be shared...

Yes, we’re back – after a seasonal hiatus, bigger and better and more positive than ever!

What an incredible start to the year with all good news that has to be shared.

The 1st 2 months saw EWC engaging with, inter alia, Minister of Transport, Barbara Creecy, (at her behest); Solly Letsoala, CEO Transnet; Saul Musker from the Presidency’ Ilse van Schalkwyk,  Chief Director Economic Sector Support, WCG

This is besides our weekly Stakeholders engagements with TNPA and monthly PLF (Port Liaison Forum)  meetings and quarterly PCC (Port Consultative Committee) Meeting) on Friday 28th.

Through these engagements, we’ve noticed a palpable change in the way we do business and the man in the White House will not deter us! We’re South African, and proud of it!

After the port was closed for 256.11 hours (10.67 days)in January, with February also being affected by wind stoppage, TNPA Management implemented a recovery plan, in February, with all hands on deck, and it is working.

Berthing delays are down to a minimum, from 11 days at the outset of the recovery plan to berthing on arrival (weather permitting).

The best news is that the 1st of the NEW RTGs (9) should be on the water this week, arriving 2nd half March, the next 9 in September with 10 in December!

We are moving forward!

Stats for the week 24th February – 2nd March as follows:

• CTCT : 13071 TEU – target 14414; 12 GCH, 29.1 SWH; 53.9 hours windbound; 3481 TEU handled on 26th Feb!; 41% stack occupancy; 413 rail moves
• CTMPT : 2358 TEU – target 2746 -13 GCH, 15 SWH – 43 hours windbound; 39% stack occupancy
• FPT :  Berth Occupancy : 91% – 8 vessels handled: 3 Multi cargo, 3 Dry bulk, 1 Dry Bulk Export – Canola, 1 Container; 1904 TEU, Dry Bulk Import 40562.33 MT; Dry Bulk Export Canola – 23447.72 MT; B/B fruit :4961 pallets, B/B General 608.006 MT
• Fruit : Grape season coming to an end, with citrus season just on the horizon! YTD Week 40 2024/25 season 29476 Containers +1% increase
• Equipment : CTCT : 8 STS, 22 RTG, 64 hauliers; CTMPT : n/a

Star Performer this week is FPT – well done and the forecast for the coming weeks looks just as good

Want more good news? Wait until next week!

Yours in exporting………