in excess of 85kph, resulting in total lost time of 94 hours over the past 2 (two) weeks. This has impacted on vessel turnaround time, resulting in vessels being delayed at berth and follow-up vessels waiting for prolonged periods at anchorage.
As at Tuesday 7th March 2023, the Port of Cape Town currently had 11 container vessels waiting at anchorage. The terminals have recovery plans in place to alleviate the backlog and speed up productivity as the weather conditions continue to improve.
The increased number of vessels calling the Port of Cape Town during the peak deciduous export season has necessitated the constant review of berth utilization to ensure that all Port infrastructure (including berths) is optimally utilized, and that vessel and cargo operations are efficient.
TNPA Port of Cape Town has established communication platforms with stakeholders and continues to provide daily and weekly updates on port operations, to ensure the continuous flow of information to the integrated Maritime Transport Logistics Chain.