Another interesting week in the world of logistics and supply chain challenges.
As we focus on the positive and one of these is to take the opportunity to hear Nick Dreyer’s Veldskoen story at our function on Wednesday, 11th September.
Nick has a truly inspirational story to tell on how one can overcome adversity and reach for the sky, putting an iconic SA brand on the shelves of the world’s best stores.
This is important for all our budding exporters and exporters of note to hear – there is always light at the end of the tunnel.
The US – Africa Trade Desk was launched on Tuesday and good to hear about the potential and growth of this trade lane, which from an exporters’ perspective, is the Western Cape’s largest and most profitable.
This again brought to light the US has billions of dollars to spend on FDI into our region, contrary to what we read or hear – they want to work with us as have already invested heavily in our economy.
The Cape sea route is of strategic importance, which again, came to the fore, with the crisis in the Red Sea, we must never underestimate our importance on the world stage!
MSC Antonia at berth 601 another case in point – after losing over 30 containers overboard in the recent storm along the East Coast, she took refuge in CTCT, to assess damage and how many other containers impacted by this.
This does have a negative impact on the terminal performance occupying one of the 3 available berths and this coming week will be reflected in the stats.
On that note, stats for week 26/08 – 01/09 as follows:
- CTCT :7756 TEU handled target 17067, 11 GCH 21 SWH; 46.84 hours windbound; MSC Cassandre 25.01 hours ranging & CMA CGM Davao ranging 3.17 hours; 26th & 27th terminal stoppage; 32% stack occupancy; 403 Rall moves
- CTMPT : 1081 TEU handled target 1516; 16 GCH 7 SWH; 55 hours windbound (no work 26th, 27th 28th) 31% stack occupancy
- FPT : 64% berth occupancy; 6 vessels handled: 3 Multi cargo, 1 container, 1 Dry Bulk, 1 lay by; 639 TEU handled; 1032515 MT Dry bulk, B/B Fruit 1474 pallets; B/B General Cargo 1657.04 MT
- Equipment : STS : LC3 & LC6 out, 25 RTGs available & 55 haulers, as mentioned MSC Antonia occupying 601 until work complete (possibly only 16th )
We are still seeing a lack of 40ft MT containers, heavily impacting our exporters and our status as an export/manufacturing economy.
If you are aware of any orders that have been cancelled/withdrawn due to the above, please drop me an email, so we can address this at the highest level – we also note some shipping lines are introducing a PSS for exports??!!!
We do need to work in closer co-operation and collaboration as we ALL benefit from this!! –
See you on the 11th at the CTICC!!