Dear Colleagues
The smell of spring is in the air and with that, calmer waters giving the POCT time to recover from the last few months of extreme winter weather.
As a matter of interest, the PoCT was closed for a total of 1018 hours (42 days) from January – July, with July totalling 198.62 hours alone!
As this is Good News Friday, we shall not dwell on this as today is a perfect Cape day.
WESGRO & Western Cape Government provided industry with an extremely insightful preview of the of importance of exports to the Western Cape economy and one of major contributors to job creation.
Friday saw the quarterly meeting of the LTAB (Land Transport Advisory Board) under the auspices of the CoCT Urban Mobility Unit – one of the takeaways from this being how the suburban rail system is coming back on track.
The planned completed delivery of the system is March 2025 – this will have a positive impact on traffic congestion in the city with rail being the preferred (and greener) option for commuters.
Updated terminal Stats for week 19 – 25 August as follows:
- CTCT : 12699 TEU Handled 13696 target; 14 GCH 23 SWH – 18.33 hours wind delay, 37% night moves & 390 rail moves; 37% stack occupancy
- CTMPT: 2684 TEU handled 1728 target; 14 GCH 18 SWH 16 hours fog & 4 hours wind delay; 30% Stack occupancy
- FPT : 68% stack occupancy: 9 vessels handled : 4 Multi cargo; 1 container, 3 dry bulk. 1 layby; 1197 TEU, 19146.09 MT Dry Bulk; 16.37 MT General B/B, B/B Fruit : #454 pallets
- Equipment : 7 of 9 STS operational as LC3 & LC6 out 24 RTGs – STS to be completed refurbish mid- 2025
Reminder of our AGM on 11th September coupled with our 1st event for 24/25 financial year, with the keynote address by one of South Africa’s most unique and well-loved brands!